This advanced Level 7 HR Management Diploma takes place over a series of 21 units, as outlined below:
Module 1 - Human Resource Management Introduction
The course begins by introducing candidates to both the functions and the objectives of human resource management, along with the scope of HRM in a contemporary business setting. Candidates are also familiarised with codes of ethics in HR management, along with the concept of strategic human resource management and common HRM challenges.
Module 2 - Develop and Implement Recruitment and Selection Strategies
An introduction to the recruitment and selection process follows in the second module, in which candidates learn how to locate and attract quality candidates from various external sources. The complexities and challenges of successful recruitment are also discussed, alongside the role of ethics in recruitment and useful guidelines for employee selection.
Module 3 - Employee Relations and Recognition - Human Resources
The importance of establishing and maintaining good employee relations is examined in Module Three, which focuses on the role of HR management in employee relations. Trade unions are also discussed, alongside the cornerstones of an effective employee relations policy and the potential consequences of poor employee relations.
Module 4 - Appraising Employee Performance
Learners then consider the potential benefits of regular and strategic performance appraisals, both for the employees receiving them and for the wider business. The goals and objectives of performance appraisals are discussed, alongside several primary performance appraisal methods and common challenges encountered in planning and performing appraisals.
Module 5 - The Importance of Training & Development in the Workplace
Employee training and development is discussed at length in Module Five, which focuses primarily on the benefits of an effective and efficient training and development programme. Candidates learn how to identify training needs and assess the effectiveness of current training/development frameworks, while studying a detailed breakdown of the training process.
Module 6 - Conducting Effective Performance Reviews
The sixth module guides candidates through the process of planning and conducting effective performance reviews, while outlining the benefits of periodic reviews for the workforce and the business. The criticality of proactively maintaining performance and encouraging every employee to perform at their best is also discussed.
Module 7 - Performance Management of Workers
Module Seven continues the examination of key performance management concepts, bringing both career-development and succession planning into discussion. Additional topics covered include performance counselling, the concept of the 360-degree appraisal and the potential review/career-development interview.
Module 8 - Motivating and Rewarding Employees
Motivation as a major performance factor is discussed in Module Eight, in which candidates consider the true influence of motivation theory. Course content also covers the different types of incentives and rewards, the concept of competence related pay and the importance of developing appropriate pay structures to maintain workforce motivation.
Module 9 - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
The business-wide benefits of building a diverse workplace culture are presented and discussed in Module Nine, alongside the potential consequences of workplace discrimination. Helpful guidelines for managing diversity are discussed, alongside the responsibility of the employer to accommodate disabled workers and anyone with mobility issues.
Module 10 - Health, Safety and Welfare of Employees
HRM’s role in the development and maintenance of a safe and healthy working environment is dissected and discussed in Module 10. Candidates are provided with an essential overview of health and safety law, while discussing the potential benefits of workplace health and safety and how to devise health and safety policies that are both viable and effective.
Module 11 - Absence Management and Attendance
Dealing with absenteeism and everyday attendance issues is discussed in Module 11, in which candidates consider the main causes of absence and the true costs of poor employee attendance. Course content also covers absence targets and benchmarking, absence notification procedures and the appropriate use of disciplinary procedures where absenteeism becomes problematic.
Module 12 - Handling Grievance, Discipline, Termination and Dismissal
Grievance handling from an HR management perspective is explored in Module 12, including common causes of workplace grievances and the main types of grievances. Termination and dismissal proceedings are also discussed, alongside points to consider when selecting employees for redundancy and the importance of helping those affected find alternative employment.
Module 13 - Talent Management
The benefits of a proactive and consistent talent management programme are discussed in Module 13, which guides candidates through the process of creating and implementing a talent management plan. The importance of communication in talent management is also examined, along with the consequences of failing to nurture and support employee development.
Module 14 - Succession Planning
Succession planning as a key performance driver is covered in Module 14, in which candidates build an understanding of the purpose and value of succession planning. The main elements of an effective succession plan are discussed, along with how forward-planning (with all eventualities in mind) can support smooth and seamless business performance.
Module 15 - Anger Management
Candidates are then provided with a series of helpful guidelines and strategies for improved anger management, alongside a breakdown of the assertiveness formula and the value of honed questioning skills. The importance of adopting a proactive approach to anger management is also discussed, alongside several relaxation techniques and helpful anger management tools.
Module 16 - Communication Techniques for the Workplace
The value of confident and competent communication skills in human resource management is discussed in Module 16, in which candidates learn how to take their existing communication skills to the next level. Topics covered include dichotomies in theory, assertiveness, frames of reference, creation of a positive self-image and an overview of the main communication styles.
Module 17 - Developing a Workplace Violence Prevention Policy
Employers’ responsibilities in the development and maintenance of a safe and amicable workplace environment are examined in Module 17. Candidates are guided through the process of developing an effective violence prevention policy from the workplace, along with how a firm’s hiring practices can influence workplace safety.
Module 18 - Overcoming the Generation Gap at Workplace
The unique benefits of a diverse workforce that includes individuals of all ages are explored in Module 18, in which candidates learn how to embrace diversity and overcome potential age-related obstacles. The value of proactive planning is also discussed, along with helpful coaching and mentoring guidelines to encourage equality and acceptance in the workplace.
Module 19 - Conflict Resolution
Learners then consider the extent to which conflict in the workplace can be both productive and beneficial, if approached from the right perspective and handled appropriately. The different stages of conflict are presented and discussed, along with the role of communication in conflict resolution and additional conflict management tips for HRM personnel.
Module 20 - Talking to Employees About Personal Hygiene
Personal hygiene issues in the workplace are discussed in Module 20, in which candidates learn how to approach this sensitive subject in an appropriate manner. Helpful guidelines for handling difficult and uncomfortable conversations are provided, along with tips for preventing and resolving common workplace hygiene issues.
Module 21 - Workplace Wellness Program
Concluding the course, Module 21 outlines the importance of providing a workplace wellness program for the benefit of the workforce. The benefits of effective workplace wellness programs are discussed, along with an overview of the process of designing and implementing an appropriate workplace wellness program.