This exclusive Level 6 Human Resources Management Diploma consists of 17 in-depth modules, as outlined below:
Module 1 - Human Resource Management Introduction
The course begins by defining HRM from an organisational perspective and outlining the primary objectives of human resource management. The functions and responsibilities of HRM personnel are also discussed, along with the importance of ethics in HR management and a series of common challenges faced in the field of HRM.
Module 2 - Develop and Implement Recruitment and Selection Strategies
A detailed examination of the recruitment and selection process follows in the second module, guiding learners through the process of finding, attracting and hiring quality candidates. The complexities and challenges of successful recruitment are discussed, along with the role of ethics throughout the recruitment process.
Module 3 - Employee Relations and Recognition - Human Resources
Module Three considers the concept and scope and industrial relations, in which candidates are familiarised with the basic functions and objectives of industrial relations. The HRM approach to employee relations is also discussed, along with the role of trade unions and the potential benefits of effective employee relations policies.
Module 4 - Appraising Employee Performance
Candidates then learn how to fairly, accurately and objectively appraise employee performance, while considering the primary goals of performance appraisal and the benefits of appraising employee performance. Several common performance appraisal methods are also discussed, along with potential problems encountered in appraising performance and how to overcome them.
Module 5 - The Importance of Training & Development in the Workplace
Training and development as a continuous process is discussed in the fifth module, which familiarises candidates with both the objectives and the business-wide benefits of a good training and development programme. A breakdown of the training process is also provided, alongside an examination of the primary areas of employee training.
Module 6 - Conducting Effective Performance Reviews
Learners then consider the importance of planning and conducting effective performance reviews on a regular basis, along with the benefits of a broader performance management strategy. Tips and guidelines for enhancing and maintaining employee performance are discussed, along with the appropriate way to gather and present feedback.
Module 7 - Performance Management of Workers
Performance management continues as the core focus in Module Seven, which discusses the concept of the 360-degree appraisal and the objectives of performance counselling. Career development interviews are also brought into discussion, along with the basics of succession planning from an HR management perspective.
Module 8 - Motivating and Rewarding Employees
Motivation as a primary performance driver is examined in the eighth module, which discusses the influence of motivation theory and the true value of creating a motivated working culture. Course content also covers the different types of incentives and rewards, the concept of competence related pay and how to establish fair and effective pay structures.
Module 9 - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
The potential consequences (legal and otherwise) of discrimination in the workplace are discussed in Module Nine, along with the business-wide benefits of a diverse and inclusive working culture. Learners are familiarised with the quality and diversity obligations of employers and recruiters, with tips and guidelines provided for encouraging and celebrating diversity.
Module 10 - Health, Safety and Welfare of Employees
Health and safety as a basic right for every member of the workforce is discussed in the tenth module, along with the extent to which employers take direct responsibility for employee welfare. Course content touches upon the basics of health and safety law, the importance of safety training and how to establish effective and viable health and safety policies at work.
Module 11 - Absence Management and Attendance
The potential economic consequences of absenteeism are examined in Module 11, in which candidates also consider the most common causes of absence. The importance of benchmarking and establishing absence targets is also discussed, along with absence notification procedures and the use of disciplinary measures where necessary.
Module 12 - Handling Grievance, Discipline, Termination and Dismissal
Grievance handling from an HRM perspective follows in Module 12, in which candidates consider the various causes of grievances and their potential effects in a workplace environment. Course content also covers the sensitive subject of selection for redundancy, along with the importance of helping workers who are made redundant find new jobs.
Module 13 - Talent Management
The development and implementation of a talent management plan is discussed in Module 13, along with how a proactive approach to talent management can benefit both the workforce and the business as a whole. Candidates learn how the key to successful talent management lies primarily in communication.
Module 14 - Succession Planning
A more detailed overview of succession planning and its potential benefits follows in Module 14, which familiarises candidates with the most important elements of a succession plan. Candidates learn how effective and strategic succession planning can ensure all eventualities – likely or otherwise – are anticipated and planned for in advance.
Module 15 - Conflict Resolution
Conflict as an inevitability in the modern workplace is discussed in Module 15, in which learners consider how conflict and disagreement can be both healthy and productive. The various different types of conflicts are also discussed, along with the role of communication in conflict resolution and the different stages of conflict.
Module 16 - Talking to Employees About Personal Hygiene
Discussing the sensitive subject of personal hygiene with employees then follows in Module 16, providing helpful guidelines for approaching and conducting difficult conversations. The importance of taking a proactive approach to the prevention of hygiene issues in the workplace is also brought into discussion.
Module 17 - Workplace Wellness Program
Concluding the course, Module 17 explores the extent to which workplace wellness programs can benefit the health, wellbeing, motivation, productivity and loyalty of a workforce. The process of designing and implementing a workplace wellness program is broken down into its component stages and discussed.