Supply Chain Management - Course Syllabus
This self-paced Level 6 Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management consists of 16 insightful modules, as outlined in brief below:
Module 1 - Introduction to Supply Chain Management
The first module provides a broad overview of the field of supply chain management, both as a profession and as a wider business concept. Roles and responsibilities shared between supply chain personnel are also discussed, along with major activities within the supply chain and the benefits of supply chain efficiency.
Module 2 - Logistics in Supply Chain Management
An introduction to logistics in supply chain management follows, which examines the role of logistics as a supply chain performance driver. The main characteristics of an effective logistics strategy are discussed, along with the objectives of logistics and typical challenges to successful logistics management.
Module 3 - Logistics Strategy & Operations
A more detailed analysis of logistics strategy development and implementation follows in the third module, in which candidates consider the importance of educated and informed decision-making. Some of the most vital decisions that must be made when developing a logistics strategy are also detailed and discussed.
Module 4 - Planning & Sourcing Operations
The criticality of accurate planning and forecasting in supply chain management is discussed in Module Four, which presents candidates with several tools, techniques and resources for improving the accuracy of projections. Course content also introduces aggregate planning, along with typical issues and challenges in the planning process.
Module 5 - Procurement Operations
An introduction to procurement operations follows in the fifth module, which focuses on the functions and objectives of procurement in a supply chain context. The rapidly accelerating popularity of digital procurement is also discussed, alongside an overview of the procurement cycle and each of its stages.
Module 6 - Manufacturing & Delivery Operations
Supply and demand as the driving force behind all supply chain operations is analysed in Module Six. Candidates consider how manufacturing and delivery operations must be meticulously aligned with market requirements, along with the importance of striving for cost-effective manufacturing/distribution at all times.
Module 7 - Market Distribution in the Supply Chain
Key factors when assessing distribution channel suitability are presented and discussed in Module Seven, in which candidates are familiarised with several major channels of distribution. The advantages and disadvantages of the primary distribution channels are examined, along with an overview of the effective distribution strategy.
Module 8 - Transport Management
Transportation and transit are brought into discussion in Module Eight, which presents the criteria that must be considered when selecting appropriate forms of transportation. The advantages and disadvantages of several major transportation methods are discussed, alongside the concept of intermodal transport and the use of third-party logistics.
Module 9 - Human Resource Management
Human resource management from a supply chain perspective is then discussed, in which candidates consider the HRM responsibilities of supply chain personnel. The benefits of developing and maintaining high-performing teams are discussed, along with how to create and implement an appropriate HR code of ethics.
Module 10 - Change Management
The benefits of proactive change management are discussed in Module 10, which discusses the importance of accepting change as an inevitability. Candidates learn how the development of a structured and strategic approach to change is essential - both for leveraging every opportunity for growth and for mitigating disruption.
Module 11 - Time Management
Techniques and strategies for improved personal and professional time management are then discussed, along with the importance of prioritisation and curbing procrastination. Learners also consider how setting achievable and measurable goals can help with time management, along with the benefits of keeping to a routine.
Module 12 - Conflict Management
Common types of workplace conflicts are examined and analysed in Module 12, which outlines the importance of tackling conflict head-on at the earliest possible stage. The benefits of preventing conflict where possible are also discussed, along with the different types of conflict and who takes responsibility for workplace conflict management.
Module 13 - Warehouse Inventory Management
Key activities and responsibilities in a warehouse setting are explored in Module 13, which also looks at the functions and objectives of warehousing. Several essential inventory management concepts and principles are also discussed, including stock types, supply and demand buffers, inventory indexation systems are more.
Module 14 - Warehouse Material handling
The physical storage and movement of materials in a warehouse setting is examined in Module 14, with strong focus on the different types of material handling techniques and strategies. The importance of efficient warehouse material handling as a key supply chain performance driver is assessed.
Module 15 - Using Information Technology in Supply Chain
Candidates than learn how IT systems and connected technology are changing the face of supply chain activities worldwide. The major information systems that form the core of the contemporary supply chain are detailed and discussed, along with how over-reliance on technology can be disadvantageous.
Module 16 - Supply Chain Performance Measurement
Concluding the course, Module 16 outlines the importance of accurately and continuously measuring the performance of all major supply chain activities. Candidates learn how to utilise a variety of tools, techniques and strategies to measure and assess supply chain effectiveness, in pursuit of continuous performance improvement.